Fri 10 Jan
Beautiful Chocolate Cinderella waiting her Prince Charming - 25
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, I travel)
Can i be YOUR Girl? CuRvy Caj'un CuTie ~ Avail Mon Tue Wen ..In or OUT ~ - 28
(Rt 9 / 495 Junction (i-90..In or out .)
College Sweetie Sexy Busty Brunette hungry for a real man. Central MA, Worcester County - 25
(Milford exit 19 on 495. In / Out)
5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 S€RViC€ ❣L€t ME tREAt ¥Ou Lik€ A KiNG ‼️👅💦👑 1000% italianBEAUT¥ - 27
(Lowell, Worcester, Worcester/All MA OUTCALLS)
Thu 09 Jan
Sweet & BUSTY ♥ EXoTic 100% Brazilian ♥ FaCe Of An AnGeL ♥ ♥ TOUCH oF A GoDDess ♥ ♥ ♥Also Catering - 20
(Worcester, Framingham and surrounding areas)
BoDy Of A gOddEss * CuRvY EbOnY FrE@k * SeXy cHoCoLaTe SkiN !! (your place) - 19
(Worcester, OUTCALLS ONLY 8572649423)
***Amy & Natalie ***** $2$ GiRl $pEcIaL♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ☆☆☆ ♡☆♡☆ - 21
(Worcester, in calls in Fitchburg/out all over)
>(*P*L*A*Y) *** (T*I*M*E) *** ( S*P*E*C*I*A*L*S !!) **((C*O*M*E & P*L*A*Y)) (978 -652- 2219)
(Worcester, leom/Gardner area)
Attention gentlemen of leisure! live your wildest dreams with 2 lovely women at once - 25
(Milford. exit 20 on 495)
36DD 24 42😳 XXXotic True Beauty XXXskills Pretty face Big Lips to take all you can give 💋🍆 - 26
(Boston, Boston and near, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, Springfield, Worcester)
All AmeriCan❤BloNdE💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆🍭HaVe👅 🍭FuN ✦💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ AMAZing ♛♛[☆THe ☆Pєяƒє¢† ☆TREAT - 24
(INCALLS Marlboro SURROUNDING, Worcester)
XXXTREME Booty 36dd 24 40 sexy lips pretty face XXXOTIC Come And Take it Daddy😩 - 26
(Boston, Boston and Near, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, Springfield, Worcester)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics... - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, In town, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
~~ Well Reviewed DahLia ~~ S E X Y *P E T I T E * A V A I L A B L E ~ OUTcalls ~ 978* 398* 6919 - 26
(Worcester, Marlborough--- OUTcalls Only!)
Julie,Leominster Area only** Morning Specials :* ROUTE 2 - 22
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, LEOMINSTER MA/upscale condominium)
Hot and Spicy and Everything inbetween to forfill your Dream Muture Women 28/33rs old - 28
(Worcester, Westminister Ma.)
Everything you've been waiting for ❤️ Let me take care of you 😘🍭 - 24
(Worcester, Worcester and surrounding areas outcalls)
36D Natural Independent ANY FETISH/ FANTASY allowed:) REAL PICS complete package - 25
(Worcester, foxboro gillette stadium area)
The love of a tantric goddess goes beyond ordinary pleasures - 31
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Brighton/Allston, ma, Brockton, Cape Cod, Lowell, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester)
💕💵🇻🇮🇵 TreaTmenT💵💕 JayLa StArR➜((AvAILAblE NoW))PeTiTe AsIaN TreAt 👑☰CΘME PLAY❥ 1 ☎️ AWAY - 24
(Marlborough, Worcester)
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Brockton, Cape Cod, Lowell, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester, You come to me)
🌺🌸🌺🌺Expensive Taste 🌺🌸🇧🇷🌸🌺🇧🇷UpScale Companion 🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺Elite PlayMate 🌺🌸🌺🌺🇧🇷🇧🇷Look No Further🇧🇷🌸🌺🌺😉🇧🇷 😉🇧🇷🇧🇷😉 - 20
(Any where, Worcester)
☆ StAR QuALiTY ☆ IT DoeSNT GET AnY BeTTER ThAN ThIS!! HiGHLY ReViewED!! - :: - 23
(Worcester, Outcalls ONLY toDaY!!!)
(iNcaLL SpeCial) big B ( . )( . )Bs √ ~bOOty °° eBoNy ViXeN- % FreaKy SPECIALS! Available NOW - 22
(Worcester, Vernon Hill)
Everything you've been waiting for ❤️ Let us take care of you 😘🍭 - 21
Wed 08 Jan
Super Busty ❤️❤️Well reviewed ❤️❤️ Incall available❤️❤️Outcall available - 27
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Incall and Outcall available, Metro West, North Shore, South Coast, South Shore)
Are you sitting all alone bored in your hotel room ? in need of company? - 28
(out calls to you ONLY!route 146 areas!!!, Worcester)
Ass Men the line starts here👇🙌 36dd 24 42 XXXOTIC pretty face big lips big tits and a Mega booty 😳 - 26
(Boston, Boston and Near, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, Springfield, Worcester)
███████████✶ AWSOME ✶███████████✶ SUPER SEXYy ✶███████████ ✶ PLAYMATE ✶███████████✶ - 20
(Worcester, Worcester In &Out;)
~~ Well Reviewed LiLaH ~~ S E X Y *P E T I T E * A V A I L A B L E ~ OUTcalls ~ 978* 398* 6919 - 26
(Worcester, Marlborough--- OUTcalls Only!)
Super Busty ❤️Well reviewed ❤️ Incall available - 27
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall and Outcall available, Metro West, North Shore, South Shore, Worcester)
xOtIc :¦: SoO SDuCtIv :¦: SuPr N@tUrAL Fr@k-LIMITED EDITION!!! AvAiLaBLe NOW - 23
(Worcester, framingham »»$PECIALS««)
Tantra Goddess Pamela - 46
(Boston, Boston/Andover MA, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester)
💎kinky coco babe💋💋🌹46DD 👀available now💎INCALLS 100hh/180h specials Real deal💋💋 - 20
(My place(146), Worcester)