Mon 06 Jan
RICAN Salsa Always ready IN/OUT calls $100 specials - 25
***Molly & Natalie ***** 2 GiRl $pEcIaL♡♥♡♥ ♡♥♡♥ ☆☆☆ ♡☆♡☆ - 21
(Worcester, in calls in Fitchburg/out all over)
№➊ ReQU3ST3D ✰ B!g B00TY pLaYMaT3 ✰ sExY, SoFt B00TY 4 YoUR pLeASuRE! I'm Back... new PIC$ - 27
(Worcester, Rt 9 in/out)
reviewed💋 StrawBerri D'Vine 💋 2girl specials . In/out - 21
(in/out Framingham Natick marlborough, Worcester)
█▓▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬╠╣ O T ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⎛✿⎷⎛SEXY⎛⎷✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ╠╣ O T ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ASIAN ✿ GIRLS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬█▓ - 22
(Worcester, ===== OUTCALL ONLY =====617-894-3462-)
Ms Ebony😉4132397212☎📱Your Dream Come true💦💦USG REVIWED💦 - 30
(Springfield, SPRINGFIELD or WHEREVER YOU ARE, Worcester)
Let me show you why my initials are B/J! Big booty💣 blonde wanting to please👅bebe - 26
(Templeton Gardner Westminster Winchendon, Worcester)
¨¨*•-:¦: IN CALLS & OUT CALLS •*¨¨*•-:¦: PETITE Sexy EBONY NEW IN TOWN !! •*¨¨*•-:¦: - - 19
(Worcester, Westborough)
Its Getting Cold lets Turn up the HEAT! !! @@@ SPECIALS #$## Ebony DiVA @@@@ - 25
(Worcester, Outcalls only Specials)
☆NEW❤NEW❀°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle ☆ ❤☆❀ °ALL NaTurAl° ☆❀°FuNsiZe SPiNnEr ☆▃❤▃ ☆❀ - 24
(IN&out; Marlboro SURROUNDING, Worcester)
New NEW New *** ~ CaTcH mE wHiLe YoU cAn ~ *** Samantha - 22
(Worcester, in rt 2 leominster/ out all over)
** NatURal ReDHe@d ** $exY. $wEeT. $edUcTivE** $100 .SPECIALz*+* - 22
(Worcester, fitchburg/leominster in/out)
¯`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ LET ME BE YouR SeXY LiL SeCrET ¯`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ SpEciALs! - 19
(Worcester in/out calls)
LeTs SpiCe tHinGz uP a BiT 8572030194 ... Out & incalls - 25
(Worcester, Worcester area LoCaL OUT&inca; 8573030471)
Limited Time only👅Catch me if you can👄 - 20
(Boston, in out Lowell/tewksbury/chelmsford, North Shore, South Shore)
► = J_U_S_T= ____ =W_ H _ A_T= ____ =Y_O_U= ____ =C_R_A_V_E = ◄ - 21
(Cape Cod, Hyannis IN/OUT 24/7)
Sun 05 Jan
Top QualiTY! SuperBusty SweetHeart! FLAWLESS Face ~ Irresistable 100%NaTuRaL 38DDD!! SOFT CURVES !! - 30
(Metro West, FRAMINGHAM/SOUTHBORO In/Out. 24/7)
€atch me if yu can💃Super Sexy BBW 65 100 140 In...Outstarting at 💯 - 28
(Worcester, Fitchburg In/ Out wherever u r)
Young sexy Italian new to the area don't miss out 💋👄💳👠 - 25
(Worcester, Worcester MA out calls and in calls)
RICAN Salsa Always ready IN/OUT calls $100 specials,accept credit cards - 25
☆ uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγDαtε ☆ ➓ ☆➓ SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ αvαiℓabℓε NoW➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C E ★100%REAL - - 24
(Worcester, outcalls only)
👄👄Beautiful Exotic Latin woman** DONT MISS OUT- Outcalls - 23
(Worcester, Worcester / westboro / Framingham)
NEW****L_E_T_ °o;o° _M_E_ °o;o° _T_A_K_E _ °o;o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o;o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o;o° _A_W_A_Y - 23
(Worcester, Marlborough In/Out)
💋✨pEtItE n SwEeT🍉🍒 🍭sTaRt ThE wOrK wEeK rIgHt💄👠 🎀👑yOuVe NeVeR hAd BeTtEr👙💥 🍸SpEcIaLs AlL nIgHt🍻 - 23
(Worcester, in💋northboro out🚘to your bed)
★ Only one night visit★Let Me Be Your Holiday Treat★ ★NEW PICTURES! - 24
(Worcester, rt9 in/some out)
o☆°o Magically Delicious!!! o☆°o COME & PLAY!! o☆°o The Best Snow Bunny You Can Get! ☆°o~* - 21
(Worcester, LEOMINSTER!!!!! In/out...)
Mature Latino Woman Ready for Mature Middle Age White Males (OUT CALLS ONLY) - 35
(Worcester, Westminster Ma.)
█ -:¦: S -:¦:- U -:¦:- P -:¦:- E -:¦:- R -:¦:- S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y - ✰ New MaRiaH - 21
(495 In/ Out)
💎🌟🍭🌟🍭——RoYaL TrEaTmEnT——🌟🍭👑NEW IN TOWN 👑🌟💎 S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot!♥╠╣ot! gIrl🍰🌟🍰🌟 - - 22
(Cape Cod, in out, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
😘 New In Town BoNNIE 💙 Is The One And Only SUPER FREAK👄 - 23
(Worcester, Out calls surrounding area's)
👀Look👀Look...ALL NEW PICS of Naughty Nicole here to please your every need 💰SPECI@LZ💸 SPECI@LZ💰 - 29
(Fitchburg IN / Out to you, Worcester)
NEw iN ToWn👑 Available🎉 FoR the NeXt days OnlY🎉💋ExcLuSiVe NeW LaTina MiX 💋 AvAiLAble NoW🌓 - - 22
(Marlborough, discreet INCALLs outcall, Worcester)
♔PLeASuRE PRiNcESs♔ _ 💋SiMpLY AmAZiNg💋 🎀CutE aS A bUtToN🎀 🍭SWeET aS PiE🍭 ☆TReAT Y0uRSELf☆ - - 23
~LoOkn 4 FUN! BORED.. NEED UR CompAny! Are u ready to Play w me?!~ - 19
(Worcester, leominster IN/OUT)
$♡$ *LOOK* *LOOK* *LOOK* 160 $pecial 2 Girls $☆♡☆♡ - 20
(Worcester, leominster rt 2 in / out all over)
PLeAsUrE {LiKe }:( NeVer ) BeFoR {XxXcLuSiVe ExpErIeNcE } EbOnY ? BarBiE! Gorgeous!! - 22
(in boston/out to you 3392352390)
👀 Look Look🔥 Smokin Hott BBW Bombshell 💎DIAMOND Specials Specials 65 100 150 Outs Startin @ 💯 - 28
(Worcester, Fitchburg In/ Out wherever u r)
Ness is the Best! Complete Showstopper! New 4 U! - 27
(Fitchburg, Leominster,Worcester area, Worcester)
lonely AVAILABLE in gardner eager to please! check me out!!!!!!!!!!! - 34
(GARDNER- outcalls to anywhere in worcest, Worcester)
I'm BACK 😘 the best looking P on here💨 I'm up and ready let's hang "Ayesha" ℅ real - 20
(Cape cod/ Worcester, Worcester)
Official Female Owned/Operated Escort and Massage Agency!! Come Join Aubrey's Life Size Barbies !! - 30
(Boston, Cape Cod, In your city!, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
Sat 04 Jan
YouR DreaM LaTinA Is BaCK In ToWN! TaKiNG APPTS Now! DonT MiSS Out :) - 25
(Worcester, Worcester and surrounding areas)
Beautiful Brunette Sexy Italian Sweetheart.You will Not be disappointed! - 22
(Worcester, westboro incall only)