Fri 10 Jan
Can i be YOUR Girl? CuRvy Caj'un CuTie ~ Avail Mon Tue Wen ..In or OUT ~ - 28
(Rt 9 / 495 Junction (i-90..In or out .)
🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳⛅🍌👅💦 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅👑💕💋$100 spεciαℓε Upscαℓε 👙🙈 - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, INCALL and ALL OVER YOUR PLACE 💋, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester)
➸➢➸ A RARE JEWEL TO FIND✳♦♚♦✳ Amazing Personality ✶BIG Bouncy BOOTY ✶ BeATiFULl ♞ - 25
(Worcester, Westborough)
Are You Seeking Some Real Satisfaction The Kind You're Not Getting At Home? - 40
Thu 09 Jan
:¦:- VISITING FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY -:¦:- 100% REAL PIX -:¦:- .... TER ID: 143545 - 23
🌹This curvy brunette can explore all your needs and would love to satisfy u in every way possib💦💋 - 33
(Fitchburg, Worcester)
The ONLY GIRL to give YOU what you want !!! UPSCALE Brunette down to earth !! INCALLS. - 20
(Worcester, INCALLS ( westboro))
Sexy milf cougar here to make all your fantasies come true available hot and ready now - 39
(Fitchurg leominster, Worcester)
The Charmed Ones ages 24/30 100$ special - 23 - 23
(Worcester, Westborough/rt495/rt290)surronding area)
*******--------- So Sweet ××××& So Sizzling & ×××× So Sexy ---------******* - 26
(Worcester, WoRcEsTeR InCaLl/OuTCaLlS)
(¯`•.•´¯) * No * O†h€R * P_L_€_a_§_u_R_€ * CaN * M€a§uR€ uP* - 21
(Worcester, Rte.9 Westboro-- Framingham-Natick-)
*******--------- So Sweet ××××& So Sizzling & ×××× So Sexy ---------******* - 26
(Worcester, WoRcEsTeR /OuTCaLlS OnLy)
★ •••••••• ★ ••••••• S ••••••• E ••••• x•X•x ••••••Y ••••••• ★ ••••••• ★ - 22
(Worcester, ★ WORC INCALL SPECIALS 24/7 ★)
B—e— A—u—T—i—F—u—L __ E x O t i c __ H—O—T ____ P—L—a—Y —m —a—T—e ____ 100% *REAL*PICs - 22
(Worcester, ***Rt 9 incall***)
Check OUT My SeXy SmilE!!! Safe & Discreet IncALL..~ aVAILABLE ALL wEEK - 28
(wORC~mETROw ~Rt 9/495 I90)
♥AVAILABLE!!♥ °•°PETiTE °•° BLoNdE °•° PRiNCESS °•° I`M SiMPLY aMaZiNG °•°♥ - 21
(Worcester, Milford My Place / Out To You)
24hr HoTTer 💖💕💖 SeXier BLonDe💖💕💖 LiKe NeveR BeFore - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, INCALLS & OUTCALLS - ALL DAY & NIGHT, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
T H E ___ B A D D E S T _______ B I G _______ B o O o O o T Y ___ B I T C H ! ! ! ! ! - 18
(outcall only)
The Charmed Ones ages 24/30 100$ special - 23 In/Out All Night/2 Girl special - 23
(Worcester, Marlborough/surrounding area rt495/rt9)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics... - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, In town, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
╰☆╮ ( ♥X♥ Rejuvenate ♥X♥)╰☆╮ ◀◀▬{ WITH A }▬▶▶ ╰☆╮ (•✰ ★ ✰•° Magnifique • ✰ ★✰•° )╰☆╮ Play 👅 Mate - - 25
(Worcester, rt 9 incall)
💎🌹💎~~Im NoT uR AvErAgE GiR~l💎🌹💎~UpScAle qUaLiTy ~💎🌹💎~KeEp ScRoLLiNg FoR QuAnTitY - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, Worcester, Worcester / Framingham / Natick)
Hey babe r u trying to relax and enjoy the morning call me u won't regret it Daddy Im waitin💋👄💳👠 - 26
(Worcester, Worcester MA out calls and in calls)
In town from MIAMI for the week !!!lets have fun ! ~Anna~ - 19 - - 19
(Worcester, Malborough,worchester)
🎉🎉🍻🍻🎂🎂 CaKe CaKe Cake!! Just Turn 20 Who Wanna Celebrate with Me? 🎂🎂🍻🍻🎉🎉 - 20
(Worcester, Marlborough,Southborough,Framingham,)
Come Keep Me Company !! Blonde GORGEOUS ... TaLaNtEd ! Soft Sexy *** rEADy To PleAse YoU !! - 20
(Worcester, Westboro Westboro Westboro)
Beautiful Brunette sexy italian sweetheart.* Highly Reviewed* Your #1 Companion. - 22
(Worcester, route 9 incalls safe,upscale location)
SUPER MODEL! Take a min see an Unbelievable Lady- VERIFIED- REVIEWed!! - 22
(MetroWest/ Boston/ CONNECTICUT)
Nothing like us,Tasteful and sexy Ages 21/40 years old (Hiring escorts) - 21
(Worcester, Marlborough/rt495/rt20westboroug)
► NEW in TOWN #1 CHOICE Dadddys Lil Girl - 20
(Worcester, 495 rt 9 northboro)
Wed 08 Jan
**ThIcK}}** ViP [ MeXiCaN & pUeRtO RiCaN ] MiXeD dOLL**AVAiLaBLE 24/7** - 21
(Tewksbury MA (in & outcall))
They Do Say Two Is Better than ONe....I Hope YOu Agree...Lets Us three Have some FUn call us - 18
💋💋Seduction, Pleasure& 💋💋In& Out Calls, 2 Girl Special Avail. - 20
(Worcester, , Westborough, Westborough,Southborough)
💋 🌟SPECiiALs😘 CUBAN beauty OUTCALL 🔥🔥🔥 - 19
(Attleboro walpole wrentham foxboro, Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, South Coast, South Shore, Worcester)
***Sassy BBW making YOUR fantacy A reality*** - 28
(Worcester, worcester, milford, boston & northern RI)
o☆° Let me sho u Complete Satisfaction! SEXY, CLEAN&CLASSY; o☆°o * o☆° $P€©I@LZ NOW CALL NOW! °☆o~* - 22
Sexy Exotic Latina Treat! Don't miss out!💋💋💯satisfaction guaranteed - 25
(Worcester, Worcester Incalls _ outcalls)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
Are you sitting all alone bored in your hotel room ? in need of company? - 28
(out calls to you ONLY!route 146 areas!!!, Worcester)
☆♡Angela☆♡sent to youu♡♡ from paradise ☆☆☆☆☆ full body massages - 25
(Worcester, located in central mass)