Wed 08 Jan
Independent Petite Discreet Companion - Your Best Kept Secret 978 398 23o3 - 28
(Worcester, Marlborough - you must host)
a fun buddy with no strings attached - 26
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, everywhere)
💋🤗💋 ToNight💯Dom+Fetish Independent W/ pics -Drive Myself 💯👑 💋🤔😎💆🏻😍😘 - 28
(Brockton, Cape Cod, South Coast, Worcester, Your place-Mass-Rhode Island)
Alexa Eason: Beautiful, passionate, kinky, tattooed, amazing curves! Give in to temptation! - 26
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Worcester)
New to BP Erotic Blonde I Will Make All Your Dreams Come True - 25
(Worcester, n@tick incall & outcall your place)
ღ New & Exciting ღ ღ║Independant ║Sensational ║Gorgeous║ Brunette ღ - 24
(Worcester, Your place only)
** {JESSICA} :*¨*: {THE ONE} :*¨*: {YOU}: *¨*: {WANT}* *60 SPECIALS - 22
(framingham/westboro incalls)
♥✔✔✔✔✔♥LOOk no further ★BUsty Blonde ALL AMERICAN PRINCESS ★★★★★ - 25
(Worcester, Westborough In/out)
❖ • HalloWeen TreaT • ❖ • ON • ❖ • HER • ❖ • WORST • ❖ • BEHAVIOR• ❖ • - 23 - 23
(Worcester, HaLlOwEeN 100$pecials(; Worcester)
I Promise You Won't Regret Seeing Me! - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, In town, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
✬●[ BLONDE ] BEAUTY●✬⊰ »✿⊱⊱🎀GLAMOROUS PLAYMATE🎀 »✿⊱⊱ Come see how pαrαdise feels like ⊰⊰✿» - 21
(Framingham & Worcester Outcalls, Worcester)
End of Summer Blues? Call Blonde Bombshell Iliana #151791 Make your next move your Best Move - 28
(Worcester, Worcester burbs/Boston/Ct Casinos)
🍭🍬👑🍬🍭💋💦 Exotic FREAK EVERY Man Wants TO meet!!! UPSCALE playmate!!!! Promise I Won't Bite 7743150050 - 20
(Worcester, Worcester Area ALL OUTCALLS)
100% ReaL BlOnde CuTiE AvAiLable AlL NigHt CLICK HERE you wont regret ir - 22
(Worcester, & surrounding area OUTCALLS only)
Tue 07 Jan
*~*~*~* Sinfully sweet and sexy italian . $100 specials!!! *~*~*~ - 24
Upscale naughty bombshell you deserve to be treated like a king so let me fulfill your fantasies. 👑😘😉 - 20
(Worcester, Worcester incall/ outcall local areas)
🌹 💮 🌹 Sexy ✶ Charming 👑 🌟 👑 Korea ✶ Girl 🌹 💮 🌹 Out ✦ Calls ✦ Only - 23
(Worcester, Worcester (Out Calls *857-265-5968*))
SPECIALS!!!! Sweet Juicy CANDIE!Full of Flavor.New Years EVE Treat.
(Worcester, framingham,,wboro,sboro incall rt9 495)
💜💋💙💞PETITE YOUNG LADY💜💙💋❤ FUN SIZE 💝 ❤ looking to have some fun... outcalls specials 150 - 19
(worc, auburn, Shrewsbury surrounding TWS, Worcester)
RICAN Salsa Always ready IN/OUT calls $100 specials,accept credit cards - 25
*****sexy Italian woman to fufill your every desire afternoon specials NOW!!!!!!**** - 25
(Worcester, INCALLS)
👑Exotic Girl.🌺🍭 Perfect PlayMate💋👅 KiNkY kayLA 👏Don't miss out - 23
(Worcester, RELIABLE SERVICE 24/7)
Available all day today. Sweet Candy!! Exit 17 off 495 very easy to find!
(franklin norfolk milford)
Are you ready for Game Day???!!! Come see the MVP!!! - 22
(Worcester, Framingham Worcester Westborough)
★ BuStY ★GirL Next Door ♥A V A I L A B L E ★ - 24
(Worcester, westborough in/out(***NO TEXT PLZ))
CaLL FoR ThE TiMe Of YoUr LiFe ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ 2 Girl Specials 150$$ - 22
(Worcester, OutCalls☆ Incalls In Woonsocket RI)
Caramel Barbie! sweet, sexy, & descrete 100%real pics of a 100% FREAK!! - 21
(Worcester, framingham/ westborough in/out calls)
°*ஐ*° BOYS play WITH TOYS.. °*ஐ*° .. REAL men play with ME°*8.0...$$ $PECIAL$ $$$ - 21
(Worcester, Westborough MY PLACE)
Cape Verdean Hawaiian Beautifully Sexy Exotic Dream Girl At Your Service - 24
(Worcester, Framingham,Westborough)
💋BUSTY BLONDE 💘Young Naughty Playmate 🍒SEXY ASHLEE 💯CⓞM3 ☆HaVe 🍭SoMe 👅FuN ☛☛781📞five35📞4197☚ - 21
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, OUTCALL ONLY ANYWHERE, Worcester)
BABY It's COLD Out! Won't You Come IN!! 100 Specials Hot Vixen 4 You!💧💦💦🌟❤❤❤💜💄💄💄 - 27
(Worcester, Worcester and surrounding areas)
Y O U R __ F R E A K Y __ O B S E S S I O N *¨¨* {{GUARANTEED}} - 19
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Brookline/Alston: Outcalls)
VISITING BEAUTY - I Lick on Candy find a A Sexy Surprise!! **REVIEWED!** - 21
(MetroWest/ Boston/ CONNECTICUT)
* s£xy * fr£@ky * fun~girl * call now*8572371539 - 22
(Worcester, boston,everett.somerville,lynn,quincyrt1)
Take A Walk on The Wild Side/Hiring Escorts Ages 20/30. 100 specials - 20
(Worcester, Westborough/surrounding aera rt495/rt9)
*~ *the REAL DEAL*.. You WONT Regret the time *WE* Spend together! °TOP NOTCH service° ClAsSy ~* - 21
❤ ❤ ❤ Upscale Providers ❤ ❤ ❤ Highly Reviewed ❤ ❤ ❤ - 24
(Framingham/Marlborough/Worcester, Worcester)
Available all day today. Sweet Candy!! Exit 17 off 495 very easy to find!
(franklin norfolk milford)