Mon 27 Jan
NEW HOT INDEPENDENT DREAM GIRL!!! Non Rushed Sessions! Are you ready for the time of your life?!?! - 37
BOMBSHELL Blonde for the UPSCALE & GENEROUS man!! Spoil Me Daddy!!! - 23
(Cape Cod, Worcester, Your place)
🙊😘💋💗👌👍👉{YoUr $EXY SecReT💋LeAHh}😍💕👑🎀🍓💦 [You'll N3VeR 4GeT]💋👌🌹🌹 - 24
(Worcester, AnyWhere With You Baby 🌹😘💋Outcall!)
Mon 13 Jan
»-(¯`v´¯)-» BRUNETTE BEAUTY »-(¯`v´¯)-» AVAiLABLE NoW »-(¯`v´¯)-» OUTCALL SPECiALS »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 22
(Worcester, »-(¯v Your Place v¯)-»)
Saturday Specials* Upscale petite girl *Late Night/24 Hours - 24
(Worcester, Worcester Area- Incalls)
ΡRξΜiξRξ ΡLαΥΜαΤξ↫£ετ Με Shσω U Thε Trιcks Τhατ ξvεryσηε £θVξS✧ New Pics - 25
(Worcester, westboro/rt9)
Sun 12 Jan
☎ 1—O—O— %——G—U—A— ®—A—N—T—€—€— D—— P—L—€—A —S—U—®—E 1—O—O— %——G—U—A— ®—A—N—T—€—€— D© - 22
(Worcester, •★•WORC•★•INCALL SPECIALS)
🎀🎀•SO 🌹MaNY 🌷ChOiCeS 🌼BuT 🌸NoNe 💐ThaT 🌻CoMPaRe 🌺To 🌹ME 🌷💋💋❤️ - 21 - 21
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, South Shore, Worcester, Worcester In calls & OutCalls)
5 StAr CoMPanion🌟🌟🌟🌟❤️🌹 SeXY & SwEET💋 WeLL Reviewed!👏 ! - 28
(Springfield, Worcester, Worcester & surronding areas)
💘1 TaStE wiLl HavE u ComiNg Bak FoR mOrE💘FrEakY fRidaY OuTCaLl $pEciaL - 24
(Worcester, Worc&surrounding; towns,cities OUTCALLS)
****Female Escorts Needed**** ($5000-$10,000) - 30
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, Foxboro, Mass)
pεrfεct pεtitε and curvy body.👠⌛️ - 24
(:, Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
💟 💯%💦🌇🌃🍧💔Pure Pleasure 🎀💠E✖ΘTiC✨A+ SKILLS🎀💠♥100%REAL 😘avail 24/7💟 - 27
(Worcester, Worcester, Shrewsbury, Westborough)
💋💗Sexy, Wet and Ready Italian Princes - - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester, 💖💋❤🌹)
✨💋BrAnD 🆕💎💦MuSt SeE❗bLoNdE hAiR bLuE eYeD vIxEn💦💄👠✨ - 23
(Worcester, Worcester, Shrewsbury, Framingham)
⭐👌I ℓ♡v£ Whαt I DO 👅🏆 👉ⓑⓡⓔⓐⓚ ⓐⓦⓐⓨ🔓👈 from that regular BORiNG😴 🌠⭐ - 28
(Millford/Medway/Bellingham, Worcester)
AlL NeW💓NaTurAl AmeRicAn 🎀 ClAssY 🎀🎀 👉αVαϊlαβlξ ηθϖ!👈 🎀👯 ExOtiC FanTasy ❤💋 - 24
(Boston, Lowell, Marlborough/frammingham, North Shore, Worcester)
(¯`'.¸LeT Me SHOW U the Meaning of an AMAZING Wednesday (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 22
(milford/franklin in/out)
LeTs GeT Fri§Ky ++{{§paNkabLe BooTy}} (+)(+) PerKy TiT§ (+)(+) && a DirTy MinD [Let§ PlaY - 23
(Worcester, westborough)
💘IlL keEp You niCe&wArm; BabY💋$unDaY niTe SpecIaLs OutCallS OnlY - 24
(Worcester, Worc&surrounding; towns,cities OUTCALLS)
HØT ★('•.¸ ★¸.•') ★ UpScaLe¯`'•.¸ ▀:¦Fr3Aky - -:¦:- B A ® B ¡ €▀▄▀SKiLLS U'LL L0VE▄ - 18
(Worcester, Westborough and surrounding outcalls)
Misz brown sugar sweet n sexy big b00bs juicy 💋 soft b0oty🍑avail now in framingham Spcli - 23
(framingham incalls, Worcester)
L O O K ♥N E W ♥S E X Y ♥B L O N D E - 19
(Worcester, wEsTbOrO rT.9 iNcaLLs/oUtcALLs)
Get Ready for Love in 10 min!! - 23
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, Donetska)
Hey Fellas Are You Ready for Something Kind of Special - 22
(Westminster to Worcester Ma., Worcester)
▃❤▃ Available Now Diamond Pleasures▃❤▃ - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall/Outcall, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, Worcester)
💄💋💋💎💎BEST GIRL IN TOWN!💋💋💄💘 EXOTIC Beauty!💋🌹 ready and willing 2 plz!💄🌹💘💎 - 22 - 23
(Worcester, Worcester incall only)
Bubble Booty for Hard 🍆 36dd 24 42 AMAZING and Beautiful I'm The TRUTH... Come Now👇🙌💦 - 26
(Boston, Boston and Near, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester)
💦💎📱 Can I Be Your Sexy On time Whenever You Want It PlayMate?💋 Call , Text Me🎊🎉 - 21
(Worcester, Worcester, Ma)
.**(¯` ☆' ´¯) __ °C°° O° °M° °E° _ _ °P°°L° A°Y° __ (¯`' ☆·' ´¯)**.@ - 22
(Worcester, OUT CALLS ONLY)
$120 before 9am💥Morning Special💥💕🆕CALL NOW➡508.813.1832⬅🌇💕🔥💦👅🍒⭐ - 24
(Leominster, Fitchburg, Gardner, Ayer, Worcester)
Sat 11 Jan
✘ uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMαtε ✘ ✨✴SKiLLŞ👌👄 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 🎆Frεαkγ👅💄SEXY👙 Juicγ 💦 AvAilABle Now - 23
(Worcester, Worcester 4074310380 INCALLZ ONLY)
😘💋 Sweet Young Petite Treat 💋😘 🌸💖 Loala Starr Your Elite Companion 🌸💖 - 19
(Worcester, Worcester/surrounding cities)
A➕ Bbw Freak 💙 I will Make Your 👀PoP Out of Your Head ❤ ☎617 💋637💋1357. Un.covered 🍭 8o - 42
(Incal Elm park 6oQv. 1oo Hh. @$$ 16o, Worcester)
Sexy WILD Island Goddess CARMEN!! Hot And Ready 4 You!! - 27
(Worcester, Worcester and Surrounding areas INCALLS)
SexY fUn & SatiSfyInG...eXactlY whAt YoU nEeD - 25
(Worc&surrounding; areas OUTCALLS ONLY, Worcester)
Super outcaℓℓ Specials♡♡ ⓃⒺⓌ⇨ Hot Busty Blonde♢♢ avail aℓℓ night♡♡ 504.253.0240 ☆Gabriella☆ - 21
💘Specials! 💘Sweet Escape 🌴🍍 PICS Will Drive You WILD! 🐯 [[ GORGeOUs ]] 💋💋[[Beautiful Blonde] - 18
(Worcester, Outcalls Only!!Anywhere You Are!!!)
★ UPSCALE___ ★___BRUNETTE__ ★___ CLASSY ★____REAL ___ ★ - 26